Nina Riedy, a talented, multifaceted artist recently had the opportunity to begin showcasing within our space here in downtown Minneapolis. We asked Nina’s team to share a bit more about herself and here’s what they had to say.
Minneapolis based artist Nina Danielle Riedy is an abstract painter with a degree in fine arts from the University of Minnesota, who’s creative process includes drawing, mixed media collage, printmaking, photography, and street art.
Nina’s work is composed with rhythmic expressions of color, searching lines and impromptu marks that evoke sensations of motion. Exuberant and colorful, forms vibrate and flow through her compositions. Although playful spontaneity is central to her work, a strategic visual language has emerged to guide the viewer through hidden worlds.
Riedy’s work has been exhibited at Quarter Gallery, Nash Gallery, Gamut Gallery and Kovert and is an Artist in Residence for Wayzata School District in an educational context.
Pop into our showroom in downtown to experience Nina’s work in person. And connect with our interior design team to learn how a piece from Nina can be crafted to fit your space.
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